
2023 Milwaukee Paracon Speaker Schedule Announced!

By Mike Huberty



This year, the Milwaukee Paracon has something for everyone! Horror, cryptids, ghosts, UFOs, and much more!

10am: Door and vendor floors open

Time to go check out the books, jewelry, clothing, artifacts, rare talismans, psychic readers, tarot, and so much more - a treasure trove of Weird Wisconsin vendors!

11am: PSI Phenomena in Modern Television & Film with Timothy Hughes:

Discover the intriguing connection between paranormal phenomena and its portrayal in modern TV shows and movies.

Noon: Wisconsin Legends Podcast LIVE: Mysteries of Milwaukee:

Join the hosts of the Wisconsin Legends Podcast, Mike Huberty from American Ghost Walks and Jeff Finup from Badgerland Legends, as they unravel the mysteries and secrets hidden within the heart of Milwaukee with the Brew City's NUMBER ONE paranormal expert, Allison Jornlin.

1pm: Lunch Break:

Take a break to refuel and recharge for an afternoon filled with more captivating sessions. This year, we've got food onsite, so grab something to eat and let's go hang out with the vendors and see their amazing wares!

2pm: Horror of Wisconsin: A History of Wisconsin Authors and Filmmakers panel, moderated by Tea Krulos:

Dive into the rich history of Wisconsin's horror genre, exploring the works of talented authors and filmmakers who have left their mark on the genre.

3pm: Mystery of the Lake Monsters panel

Moderated by Barnaby Jones, this panel brings together experts Shetan Noir and Terry Cullen to discuss the enigmatic lake monsters that have captured the imaginations of many.

4pm: The Return of The W-Files with Jay Rath:


Author Jay Rath delivered Wisconsin's first online location for mysteres in the 90s with his website, The W-Files , which was a standard for every hopeful Dairyland paranormal researcher in the 90s. Join Jay as he shares his investigative journey into the world of the paranormal that has a very Badger State perspective.

5pm: Presentation by the South East Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (SEWPIT):

Gain insights into the mind-boggling work of the SEWPIT team as they share their experiences and findings from their paranormal investigations and ghost hunts!

Mark Your Calendars! Because it's all FREE

October 14th 2023 - DO NOT miss out on this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of paranormal Milwaukee. Make sure to mark your calendars and join us for this exciting event, where you'll have the chance to learn from experts, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.



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